
Health Observatory

A module of the Sociovision Observatory


For the past two years, health has occupied a central part in the news. There is not a single day when the words “virus”, “doctor”, “disease”, “caregiver”, “laboratory” and many others do not get mentioned. This omnipresence is not without paradoxes.

The health component developed specially in partnership with AplusA offers an exclusive sociological assessment after two years of Covid. This section comes from the France Observatory led by Sociovision (Ifop Group) since 1975, which aims to decipher the latest trends in French society by examining them in the long term.


Webinar and article available in French.

[WEBINAR – SOCIOVISION/AplusA] The health of the French in the Covid era: between pride and mistrust – zoom in on 7 paradoxes


Quelle santé après deux ans de pandémie ? Les 7 paradoxes de la santé des Français



Who is the offer for?

General management, strategic management, research management, communication and marketing, HR management.

The brochure is available to download in french (remember to check your spam folder).

Document to download

French Brochure

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  • France Observatory


    Observatory of French society (6,000 people questioned each year on their values ​​and lifestyles)

  • Health Observatory


    The health component specially developed in partnership with AplusA offers an exclusive sociological assessment after two years of covid.



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