About us

About us

Our approach

The yellow vests, the spread of working from home, #metoo and the rise of female activism, the unavoidable inclusiveness in the United States, skintellectuals, new masculinities, extremist voting, the middle classes, etc. – so many subjects that the Sociovision teams have examined in the last few months. While the topics are diverse, our approaches are always based on strong biases:

  • In-depth decoding: Understanding and anticipating the fundamental movements of society, deciphering emerging phenomena (spreading slowly or arriving on the scene in a sensational way), decoding cultural changes, distinguishing ephemeral phenomena from those that will last a long time and have real impact – that is at the heart of our business.
  • A 360° look at “people”, in all their facets: Behind such categories as consumers, employees, supporters of such and such a cause, the “18–30 year-olds”, etc. there are real people with motivations, values, aspirations, needs, dreams, hobbies and social interactions. These are the things we explore in order to put their expectations of your category, your brand and your company into perspective.
  • Both researchers and consultants: Our strength is combining the sociological perspective with strategic support expertise for our clients (decision-making for marketing, communication, innovation, etc.) to transform cultural and societal changes into concrete courses of action.
  • Methods adapted to the objective: At Sociovision, the goal determines the study and analysis tools to use. Quantitative and qualitative information from our observatories (in France and internationally) of social and cultural change to provide a perspective, ad hoc surveys for questions focused on your subjects, interviews with experts or change-makers to make a step ahead, a constant view of pop culture (series, films, music, celebrities, etc.) to have a finger on the pulse of society, a view of market innovations (yours and others) to inspire you. The final product is quantified renderings that are nonetheless lively, prioritised, illustrated and easy to share.

Our mission

A historical perspective

A historical perspective

An in-depth knowledge of contemporary societies spanning 60 years based on historical databases collected each year in France and around the world.

A vision

A vision

An ability to decipher contemporary trends and distinguish fashions from fundamental movements in order to anticipate the changes that will structure the world of tomorrow.

An expertise

An expertise

Know-how in developing scenarios and prospective segmentations by cross-referencing quantitative or qualitative data from Sociovision observatories or external sources (demographic data, economic data, etc.)

Our beliefs

Our beliefs

My job is for the long term.
It is what makes it possible to give meaning to changes in society and plan for the future. This has never been more true than today when everything all over the world is accelerating.

Rémy Oudghiri, Managing Director

Our beliefs

In a world where algorithms only show us what we want to see, look elsewhere, assume another’s perspective, a view from the end of the world, a view of artists and merchants alike, to better understand what is happening here. Because the future is already at work in another culture, another present.

Michel Ladet, Vice-President

Our beliefs

To fully understand the dynamics of change, it is
imperative to multiply sources and viewpoints, cross-reference quantitative data and weak signals, examine experiences, etc. In short, to invent hybrid methods.

Lise Brunet, Consulting Director

Our beliefs

What truly differentiates this generation from the rest of the population? Is the micro-phenomenon that everyone is talking about going to shape the future?
Without putting it into perspective, we risk mistaking the ‘buzz’ for sociological truth. Only through measurement, particularly longitudinal measurement, can we disentangle true data from false data and combat received ideas.

Maryline Nguyen, Consulting Director

Our history

  • 1954

    Creation of Cofremca
  • 1975

    Launch of Observatoire de la société française
  • 1998

    Cofremca becomes Sociovision
  • 2002

    Creation of segmentation using socio-environments
  • 2012

    Launch of the International Observer
  • 2018

    Sociovision joins the Ifop Group


    For 80 years, Ifop has been the benchmark for surveys and market research. Its approach is based on combining perspectives: the sector expert perspective, business perspective, forward-looking perspective and international vision. Its activity is based around the historic Opinion centre as well as its sectoral marketing expertise. Ifop is an agile group that maintains close relationships with its clients and it operates in approximately fifty countries from including Paris, Shanghai, Hong Kong and New York. www.ifop.com

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